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Herb Plants by Common Name where Location includes McCall and many locations and Weed includes Yes

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sweet woodruf, bedstraw (Galium boreale)
Scientific Name Galium boreale
Family Madder
Flower Color White
Plant Type Herb
Location McCall and many locations
Weed Yes
Scientific Name Marrubium vulgare
Family Mint
Flower Color White-pale pink
Plant Type Herb
Short Description Horehound
Location McCall and many locations
Native No
Weed Yes
sweet woodruf, bedstraw (Galium boreale)
sweet woodruf
Scientific Name Galium boreale
Family Madder
Flower Color White
Plant Type Herb
Location McCall and many locations
Weed Yes
Horehoundwhite horehound
Scientific Name Marrubium vulgare
Family Mint
Flower Color White-pale pink
Plant Type Herb
Short Description Horehound
Location McCall and many locations
Native No
Weed Yes